Custom DIM Designer Studio & Tools
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The Background of CDDS

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The Background of CDDS Empty The Background of CDDS

Post by Admin Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:02 pm

I started this program some time in the middle of September 2015. At that time it was called
"Smart Content DIM Creator" as the main focus was to make a program to make smart content out
of content that had not been setup as smart content. So some time in the first part of October 2015
I had the first working test program so I asked around for people to test it and give feedback on it.

The Background of CDDS Captur11 The Background of CDDS Captur12

I got some people that was willing to test it but none of them really used smart content. So I was
starting to think that this program wasn't going to help anyone. But then someone ho went by the
user name of "Akkaal" said she would help she was redoing her Daz content. She was really trying
to help but she couldn't. We chatted she said she was getting tiered of have to do the same thing
over and over so I asked her what she needed she told me so I add that option to the program.
Then she need something else so I add that option. After a while the name "Smart Content DIM Creator"
didn't make scene any more as it did a lot more than make smart content so I came up with the
name "Custom DIM Designer Studio".

The Background of CDDS Captur10

I made little tools to help her out witch are in the tools forum. Some of them when put it the same
folder as CDDS and can be opened from within CDDS for easy access.
So enclosing a very big thanks goes to "Akkaal" as kind of a co developer.

Posts : 683
Reputation : 14
Join date : 2016-11-16

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