Custom DIM Designer Studio & Tools
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 CDDS ( Empty CDDS (

Post by Admin Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:55 pm

Update notes
A big thanks goes to the following people in alphabetical order for helping test this release of CDDS.

Custom prefixes. There is a default PrefixList.txt in the CDDS folder if you want to use
your own custom prefixes copy the PrefixList.txt to "Users\<user>\MyDocuments\CDDS and tools\CDDS" then
edit it the min prefix length is 2 the max prefix length is 7 ( letters and numbers only )

"Recreate DIM" now recreates the Supplement.dsx.

Added a message to "Recreate DIM" for DIMs that can't be recreated.

Add no compatibility per-item.

"Recompress Zip" no longer deletes the original DIM it's renamed with .backUp is added to the end of the original DIM.

 CDDS ( Attachment
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