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Error when creating smart content

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Error when creating smart content Empty Error when creating smart content

Post by Omniflux Thu Dec 12, 2019 11:19 pm

Not sure if CDDS is still being maintained, but I got an error while trying to use it today.

Error when creating smart content Create10

Clicked on Create Manifest. Tab switched to "Create Smart Content Files" and this error message appeared.

Error when creating smart content Error10


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Error when creating smart content Empty Re: Error when creating smart content

Post by Omniflux Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:29 am

I'm seeing this on lots of old content, and it's not always .pz2 files. Sometimes .obj files have the same issue.

If I remove them from the content folder (sometimes there are many in one product), then I can create the DIM and add the files to it manually.

It is a pain when it happens to .obj files though, because all the references get changes to .obz and I have to change them back.


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Error when creating smart content Empty Re: Error when creating smart content

Post by Omniflux Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:08 pm

So, it's not just when creating smart content, that's just where I noticed the issue. The problem also happens when creating just the zip.


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Error when creating smart content Empty Re: Error when creating smart content

Post by Omniflux Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:44 pm

Here is one of the files that causes this error


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Error when creating smart content Empty Re: Error when creating smart content

Post by Admin Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:47 am

Sorry I missed this forum. I'll look into it while I work on the other update.

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Error when creating smart content Empty Re: Error when creating smart content

Post by Admin Fri Dec 27, 2019 5:44 am

I checked the file you linked and it is basically a dummy file.

 number 4.1
 //  This pose does nothing
 //  It is a reminder

and when CDDS checks it after it has been compressed the file it small than expected and causes an error.

I'm guessing the same thing is happening with the .obj files.

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Join date : 2016-11-16

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Error when creating smart content Empty Re: Error when creating smart content

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